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5 Reasons Why You Should Get an Adjustable Bed Frame Already

5 Reasons Why You Should Get an Adjustable Bed Frame Already

5 Reasons Why You Should Get an Adjustable Bed Frame Already

Well, adjustable bed frames are just as much about enhancing your lifestyle as they are about ergonomic sleep positions. Here are 5 reasons you should invest in an adjustable bed frame already:

They work with just about any modern mattress.

While some assume that adjustable bases only work with super-thin, all-foam mattresses (or, in other words, not yours), adjustable bases work with most latex foam, memory foam, and even some innerspring beds. Adjustable bases work with virtually any bed frame as well.

They can help reduce chronic back pain.

An adjustable base lets you customize your position, helping to keep your spine aligned and reducing pressure on your lower back and hips. An adjustable base with dual motors for head and foot adjustments will also allow you to slightly elevate your feet above your heart while you sleep—helping facilitate better blood flow.

They help to reduce snoring and sleep apnea.

Snoring is caused by air being blocked between your mouth or nose and your lungs. Gravity works with the weight of your neck to create a blockage, especially when you are lying down. By adjusting the base to raise your head, you can better alleviate some of that pressure and more effectively open up your airways.

They help to improve digestion.

Of course, going to sleep or lying down right after eating is never a good idea, most of us are guilty of doing just that. Raising your head just six inches will help your body’s digestion process, and is especially effective for those that experience chronic acid reflux. An adjustable frame helps to reduce issues stemming from acid reflux without the risk of causing poor alignment and support.

They can help to reduce swelling.

An adjustable base helps maintain a consistent elevation of your feet and legs throughout the night, offering some much-needed relief after a tiring day.

Needless to say, adjustable bases offer unparalleled comfort and customization whether lounging or sleeping. Explore our range of adjustable beds right away!